Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

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As the boundaries of reality become ever more distorted by days spent staging the next, one can often question if the present is just a passing manifestation of the past as we know it, or the future as we deem it to be. For each second that falls into the vacuum of space, every blink of our genetic makeup ingests the information that keeps us from a mutiny of beasts. Beasts who have shared the kiss of life, endured the roughest climates, but cannot speak of the tales that claim them their birthright. Is evolution a battle to the top of the hill that spills at the summit and melts into skies, purging the soil for fruits that do not seed, birds that do not fly and dogs that cannot bark. Humans that cannot read, Robots that cannot obey. Have our destinies be designed, can our fate be known, are our dreams reality?